Tuesday, 3 December 2013

A Good Life Does Not Have to be Complex


Option 1: It is important to keep learning throughout life.

Canada is one of the most economically stable countries but yet, 30,000 Canadians live in poverty. Many of the people in poverty are always happy because a good life does not have to be complex. In this essay I will talk about how the children in Africa, that family on the TV series “Raising Hope” and one of my teachers don’t have the riches of the world but are always content with life.

        Many people never have to think about having absolutely nothing; neither do the kids in some countries because that’s their reality. Look at the kids in Africa compared to kids in Canada, Canada is one of the economically stable countries in the world but yet the kids mostly do nothing but whine about things they cannot have. Kids in Africa have nothing, yet they are some of the happiest kids you will ever meet.

         Another prime example of contentment without the world’s riches is the family for the TV series “raising hope”. The Chance family has very little but somehow manages to find joy in what they do have. Throughout the series Jimmy, the son, and his parents always try to see what it would be like to live the life of a “rich” person. In each situation they end up going behind each other’s back to try these things only to come short of what matters, family. They always come to realize riches come with many down sides, immodesty, and lack of humbleness as well as many others.

        A teacher in my school, who shall remain nameless, is a very good example of a good life does not have to be complex. My teacher grew up in a non-wealthy family. He lived in a trailer park for a period of time and learned to conserve the things he was given. He told us a story about when he was in the early years in school; his teacher had asked him to write a story about what he was going to do for Christmas holidays so in his mind to conserve he didn’t put a single space between his words. No one could figure out what his paper said besides himself. That is just a side note thought; as a kid he missed out on activities that other families did but yet he is one of the happiest people I’ve met. He is always smiling and laughing.  All my above examples have proven why a good life does not have to be complex. Having everything never gives you the chance to appreciate what you do have.

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