Tuesday, 17 December 2013

letter of concern

Brielle Pichette

1804 Penticton ave.

Penticton, B.C.

 V2A 3W1


 December 16, 2013


 Jane Watchingu

 123 Main St

Penticton, B.C.

V2A 3W8


Ms. Watchingu:

                Hello, my name is Brielle; I am one of your employees at Student Pro Painters. I am writing you this letter because I have a few concerns about what is going on at work. I would be very grateful for you taking this to your attention. One of the painters, Joe talksalot, has been slacking off in a few ways; I understand we all have other very busy lives outside of work but it has been affecting my performance at work.

                Everyday I come to work 15 minutes early so I am ready to start on time and I have notice joe has been arriving late lately. As a fellow coworker I do my best to get him started by assisting him with cleaning his brushes. He usually does a half job at the cleaning of the brushes because of being late and the paint colors mix; leaving odd designs we end up having to paint over later. I understand he as well as I have busy lives before and after work but i would appreciate if you could confront him about being on time so my time can be well used painting. If it is getting a ride that is the problem I would be more than happy to carpool when our shifts line up.

                All workers at Student Pro Painters get a 30 minute lunch break, as in the law. It has come to my attention that joe has been taking several extra small smoke breaks. This has concerned me because he does not take the cigarette far enough away from the work site and we get wafts of the second hand smoke. The breaks he is taking also is taking away from time that could be spent painting. Joe also doesn’t work to the potential that I’ve seen him do before. I have tried to suggest pointers to help him work more efficiently but he firmly talks back in ways that have been offending me. The other workers do their best to back me up but it doesn’t make the situation any better.

We stop our painting at three pm unless we are not finished and stay for clean up until three thirty. I have seen joe slip out at three more than oce; before cleanup has taken place. i hope this is a matter you will take to your attention and confront his on the point I have given.



                Brielle Pichette                

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