Time is dragging out miles into a black hole of thoughts. There is an awkward silence fogging in the waiting room, well besides the faint heartbeat of that machine down the hall. Mom? Dad? Are you okay? The aroma of old people pools in my lungs. I'm all alone on this chair with smelly fabric so rough it makes me itch through my clothes. The ticking of the clocks drives my wonders to their breaking point. “Excuse me, can i see my parents now?” My heart beats like a bass drum in a marching band. The receptionist gives me that look, you know the bored death stare all the grumpy receptionists give, yeah that one. “Last name?” My lips quiver, struggling to get the words past. “Uh.. uhh... cooper.”
Wow that came out well... She types in the information as if she had never met the learning requirements for grade one or something. “Room 120, down the left wing of emergency, right side of the hall; don't you have someone with you? You probably shouldn't see this alone kid.”
What does that mean? “Um no.. I'm here alone.” “Well kid, good luck.” I start the walk. I watch myself walk down step after step, walking outside of my own body. People in white pass, the old people smell gets stronger. My heart beats like a cannon ball blasting then sinks to the bottom when i look in the room. White. That's all. That's all i see. I am white and so are they.
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